A Fixed Heart-Pastor Tips
“A Fixed Heart” by
Apostle Jackson
Read: Psalms 57: 1-7
Psalms 102: 1-6
While reading these passages of scriptures, I began to understand why we as born again believers lose faith in the midst of hard challenges and why we stop serving God with our whole heart. While in a place of joy we celebrate him but when in a place of weakness we don’t celebrate Him. It’s because we didn’t fix our hearts, in the beginning, to trust God no matter what. King David fixed his heart in faith. While King
Saul was pursuing him because he fixed his heart, he was able to wait on God to deliver him from King Saul’s hands.
King David said in Psalms 34:1, I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Because his heart was fixed in faith, He could declare Psalms 34: 1.
Define fixed-To be firm; To be established; To be consistent.
Something that is fixed simply means a determination to remain the same.
Heart- The heard we are talking about today is not the heart that pumps blood through your body. The
THE heart I’m speaking of is the inner man-The spirit of a man. The heart is the foundation where things
come from-your actions, your emotions, your will, and your passion.
Why is it important to fix our heart?
Proverbs 4:23 states everything we are, say, and do will be a result of what is in our hearts.
Question: How do we fix our hearts?
1. First, you must recognize your heart needs fixing.
A. 2 Samuel 12:13 states without recognition there’s a problem, one cannot be fixed.
B. Jeremiah 17: 9-10 –The suggested problem is your heart condition is terminal, refusing to be
healed. God is the only one who can heal a desperately sick heart.
2. You must humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God. Humble-meaning to bring low. To
bring yourself into a weaker position.
A. 1 Peter 5:5- This person realized there is no greater power than God. Humble- meaning to
think less of yourself than God, to bring yourself into a weaker position. Because they
realized they were unable to exalt themselves.
B. John 15: 5 - “For without Me you can do nothing.” A humble person understands with a
a deep conviction that they cannot do anything without God.
C. Matthew 5:3 – “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” A
humble person realizes they are poor in spirit. To be poor in spirit is to lose confidence in
one’s own strength or ability and recognize the need for total dependence on God.
Question: Why do I need to humble myself under the mighty hand of God?
Micah 6:8 – “He has shown you, O man what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do
justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
This is not an option it’s a requirement. This is a command given to us to walk totally depending on Him.
We are to walk with the understanding you are nothing without Him, To walk as the weaker vessel, To
walk in submission, obedience, and willingness of mind unto Him.