Prayer for Addiction

Prayer for Addiction
Father God, I thank you for a renewed mind and a clean heart. Father, you are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds and today I break the cycle of addiction off of my life. I declare freedom in Christ Jesus from every addiction and from everything that is not like you. I command every false attachment to detach and I break every negative cycle in my life. I declare the victory in Christ Jesus. You died that I might live, so today I chose life. I thank you, Father, that you have come to set the captive free. I uproot every seed planted in me by the enemy. I remove every stumbling block and every obstacle that has been placed in my way. I declare that my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and that I belong to you. I renounce the spirit of addiction and I lose the Spirit of Holiness. I thank you for a life of purity and reverence to you. I dethrone the enemy and I enthrone you. I present my body a living sacrifice to you, holy, pleasing, and acceptable. I honor you as Lord of my life. In Jesus name. Amen.